Mathematics suggests that a two party political system should
be twice as good as a one party system. The reality is
multiplication. One times one = two. A couple, dancing as one.
Republicrats and Democans in a blurring identity crisis.
The disenfranchised sit out this dance and pray for miracles.
We ignore a simple and obvious political solution and exit from
the two party merry- go- round. Let the disenfranchised vote for
no other than third party Candidates for the next twenty years,
or how long it takes for these two parties to get rid of atrocities.
How many of today's Democrats and Republicans were so, if
they believed a third candidate was given an opportunity almost equal
of choice? Instead of slot machines or political
dominate the world with ideas that belong to a bloody past, because
do not try, the most sensitive, intelligent and ethical
The management of these relatively unknown andunadvertised
political parties? The fact that third parties and their
platforms are relatively obscure, is proof of a woefully
ignorant electorate that will continue to choose the perceived
lesser of two evils when good is a clear option.
Why isn't the Public Broadcasting Corporation telling the
public about the third party options for meaningful politics? Is
this waiting for the full implementation of multi- channel
programming by this corporation? Perhaps there are no plans by
any popular media organizations/corporations to support
multi-party, multi-dimensional politics. Is the Master plan two
dimensional politics forever?
Any Democrat or Republican candidate for office who cannot
defend and debate the merits of third party platforms and planks
are not fit to hold public office. Their knowledge is proven too
specialized to be trusted with many decisions. Members of third
parties should be asking the two party candidates where they
stand on third party issues. In California's recent recall
election, I think the Green Party candidate had the best of
published ideas. Yet the "progressive" California voters still
dance to the two party tune. If California indicates where we
are headed in national politics, we've been there for two
centuries. Where is the progress?
Any public debates that take place without representatives of
many third parties ought to be ignored. Always remember that a
two party debate is worth less and quite often, worthless as
well. If it is wisdom to know your enemy, it is wisdom to know
all candidates, in the event they are elected only to then
become your enemy. Two party dancers know only what is being
promised, they know very few candidates very well. If I am
voting, I owe it to you and me to choose the best possible
candidate for a job, regardless of political party. If my vote
counts in the end, I vote not for me but for us. I faithfully
discharge a social obligation in total seriousness. I do not
speculate on all the possible outcomes of my choices, whether or
not my BEST choices succeed in THIS PARTICULAR election. I must
truly encourage their persistence if we are to make any positive
changes in the body politic.
We hire someone to watch over me - and you. Then we say; who is
watching the watchers? Why, the watchers are watching one
another. What a fine job they do! How rich and powerful they
become! How can we better serve them? Whoa! I'm free! All the
powerful tell me so. They serve me, at least until they demand I
serve them in national service, war mongering, public support or
any of their many created functions. That is, we elect
conditional servants who can turn the tables of service whenever
they so choose. What is a military draft except a demand of
servants that sovereigns render them a paid service? I am
conditionally free - when my services are not demanded. No
matter the latest music, we are all dancing the two party tango
and service to someone is a given.
If elections are accurately compared to horse races, it is
clear the overwhelming majority wage makers always bet on one of
two favorites. They see no additional profit should a long shot
win the race. In fact, the winning long shot will be handicapped
by minority status in a three party system, which is not to say
the long shot will not influence political discussion. In fact,
the more successful third parties become, the more the dominant
two will incorporate their ideas to gain votes. Let us not
concern ourselves with the improbability of third party power in
the two party dance. Let us simply add their influence and see
if they can at least change the tune to which we dance.
If all third parties are also evil, would it not be a pleasant
change to have at least three favorites in a race? Would it not
be an improvement to be able to select the least of three evils
instead of the lesser of two? Our political racing forms
essentially print the names of the two favorites at the top of
the form, in bold print. The long shots are then listed below in
small print and many good horses are not allowed in the event,
to prevent voter confusion.
When the rare informed voters have studied third party
politics, they can see what the favorites do not want discussed
and probably why. They can publicly ask questions of candidates
that demonstrate how blind ambition can be, to all who hear the
answers to such questions. Third parties should at least inform
national and local political debate until they can transform the
debate. Without third party politics, the most meaningful
questions are not asked. Evil takes priority, then supremacy,
with only a fifty-fifty chance that the winner is the lesser of
two evils. Many argue this happened in the 2000 Presidential
race. The greater evil prevailed.
In the Twentieth Century, America's tolerance for evil was
stretched by generational wars. That tolerance transformed into
an appetite for evil. Until the nation gains control of this
appetite, more and more of us will be sitting out the two party
dance and evil will reign supreme.
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