Math can be hard. Monday through Friday we sit at the table next to our children and do math problems. It takes forever to do just one page. Sometimes it feels like it is the only subject we get to. It becomes a monster... a math monster. We wonder if we should change math books or go back to the beginning of the one we're already in. Maybe speed drills will help or paying more attention to word problems. Math wasn't hard for us when we were in school. How come our kids can't get it?
Math is important too. It determines whether our son will be able to understand high school and college science subjects. Fifty percent of the SAT score is Math. And every child needs to know how to balance his or her checkbook and figure the interest costs of money he or she will borrow as adults. Yes, math is a very important part of modern life. It can be hard to determine what we really want our children to know math wise. Here are a few suggestions:
Teach your child to add, subtract, multiply (by fifth grade, he should know his multiplication tables very well) and divide. This is a lot to learn and it usually takes until sixth grade to be proficient at basic math computations. After all, that's why they call it long division, because it takes so long to learn how to do it! Don't worry now about Algebra; worry about whether your son can do long division by himself. After this, concentrate on fractions and decimals. Go over and over them until he really knows them. This will take longer than you expected.
Next, concentrate on word problems. If your child has trouble with word problems follow these steps: First, work the problems out physically. This means use real cups, quarts and gallons and actually measure and pour the water. Even if it is a word problem about two cars driving toward each other, you can use small matchbox cars for a physical demonstration. Keep working with the real physical objects until the problem is mastered. Second, move on to drawing pictures. Draw pictures of the cups, quarts and gallons. Third, use numbers to represent the real objects and work the problems. Don't rush the steps, make sure he has mastered the word problems in this order: physical, then pictures, then numbers representations.
During your homeschool years, read at least one good Math History book with your child. Two very good examples are:
* How Math Works, published by Readers Digest
* Fractals, Googol Math and Other Stories by Theoni Pappas
After your child masters in difficulty and decimal fraction, I suggest starting with a calculator to do all his math problems. He must learn to use a graphics calculator. With the help of a graphing calculator is a scientific argument for it, and takes a lot of practice. His undergraduate and evidence so requires. And there are many complicated mathematical problems that can not be done efficiently withoutscientific calculator. Believe me, even with the use of this calculator his problems will be tough to work. Today, math is so much more than doing calculations by hand and he will need time to master this advanced work.
If you are becoming overwhelmed reading this and are thinking that you will never be able to teach upper level mathematics, don't worry. There are many fine homeschool math classes to be found. When your child gets to advanced math, you can either learn along with him or send him to an outside math class. Or you can use a math tutor or math instruction videos.
This new century's math world will be a lot different than the last century. It will be filled with the huge numbers in outer space or the tiniest numbers of the microscopic and cellular world. Your child's ability to understand and work in this world will be tightly intertwined with his math ability. So set your child's math sights high and prepare him well for the future.
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