Fun means different things to different people. It does not have to mean "play a game." Making math more fun (or any other subject), happens when a variety of different activities are incorporated directly into daily lessons. Making learning extra fun happens when the teacher has fun in their teaching. Making a class fun does not mean make one day a special fun day. Children do not need a whole lot to create fun, something adults often forget with the mounds of toys and activities we provide for them. Children have been known to entertain themselves for an entire day with an old blanket by building fortresses and tents. This article will suggest some simple but effective way to bring fun into the daily lessons.
Fun can be music. Use a favorite tune to sing the multiplication tables. Allow soft music with no words to play in the background while working,
Fun can be color. Make flashcards on colored 3x5 cards, Students learn the signs in green and orange in the responses HiLite. Use colored pencils to do the math! Collegiate enjoy this as much as the younger ones!
Fun can be images. Draw a picture to illustrate a problem or problems of a number. Students in the magazine pictures that illustrate some of their homework problems, or write them to a mathematical problem based on an image to find them.
Fun can be built. Use fasteners buildingblocks as rewards for correct answers. The color and shape and size can be determined by attributes in each answer. The older they are the more challenging the attributes are, again middle schoolers love to play with building blocks.
Fun can be throwing. A simple soft ball or bean bag can be used in oral drill, throw it back and forth to the student , teacher asks and throws, student answers and throws back.
Fun can be talking with your hands. Design hand signals for math vocabulary or steps to a process to help memory. Creating a mantra or a chant to recite them each day makes math more fun!
Fun can be manipulating. Many schools use fraction tiles, or attribute blocks. Anything can be cut apart and manipulated on desks and put back together. Post it notes with numbers can be used to do problems on the desk. They can be color coded them by place value!
Fun can be an unusual medium. There are special dry erase markers that will write on windows! They also can be used on many desk surfaces. Giant pencils, pencils that are straws, can be the simple thing that make the lesson enjoyable
Fun can be interesting creative games. Games of all shapes and sizes can be used in the classroom and still be part of the daily lesson! Pencil and paper games, challenging board games, large full classroom games where students get up and move around or even outdoor activities all of the adjustments available to make learning math fun extras.
These ideas show that you can create a pleasant atmosphere for the class of simple math, but effective. It 'important that teachers integrate these activities directly in the classroom and not as a separate activity or special game time. This creates a positive attitude toward the class as a whole, eliminating the hassle with the students: "We can play a game today," At some point, making fun of mathematics learning is extrabecome second nature, incorporating the techniques as a matter of routine to classes of all ages.
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