Sunday, January 16, 2011

The first five parents question their children on learning disabilities

If a parent has a child as learning disabled, many issues must be addressed is diagnosed. There are emotional issues like these to discuss with the child, aspects of child learning skills shortages, and what can parents do to help the teacher and the child.

One of the problems that parents face is how to talk with their child on their learning disabilities. If they use the term "disability" in a conversation with her child, andIf so, how to explain to their children without discouraging him or her. What is the best approach to take? What words should I use?

A learning disabled child is a child, to think at home an average IQ, but with serious deficiencies in learning ability. In general, it works a fifty-eight and a half years below the grade. A child with learning difficulties is not a child who is mentally disabled, but someone who is learning deficient. These deficits of learning can be taught. Withthe right kind of teaching, learning can improve a disabled child in a dramatic way.

Parents must understand that there are four main categories of learning skills. This is visual perception, visual memory, auditory perception and auditory memory. Once the learning ability of a disabled child learning developed in conjunction with his basic skills in reading and mathematics, can be good in school, spiritual, faithful to his plan.

Parents should explain to the childdifferent learning and basic skills that are not well developed. It must be said that there are many other children who have the same problem to be him, but with the right help, he will be able to overcome these weaknesses and develop these skills. It is said that this problem does not mean that it is not smart, and that is his innate ability to be good. It 'important that parents encourage their children to work hard to understand, but that has even developed ITSSkills, be able to learn much easier. The child must understand that this does not happen overnight, it will take some time. But he also needs to understand that with the right kind of help and hard work, when he developed these skills will be able to learn like any other child.

consequent strengthening of basic skills and learning, and the constant promotion are an important part of what is going to help children overcome their ownDisabilities.

A second issue concerning children with learning difficulties as a child, help is a serious problem of visual perception, this is someone who then often the order of letters or letters substitutes when reading or writing. In particular, these children do not notice differences in similar words. For example, a child with a serious problem of visual perception, as we have seen how this can be read, went to do as small as smiling, cooking was curved like a kitten, and as a campergrasp. This weakness can have serious effects on the child's understanding of the material that reads or writes that are incomprehensible. It is not uncommon to confuse beginning readers and vice versa letters or words that are similar if the child continues to do for months or reversed letters replaced during the reading or writing, is a sign that the child is particularly focused work needed to help overcome this deficiency .

Parents can write the words that their childconfused when reading orally, the differences and then have your child read every word. Parents can then print the words on a card with two words on each side of the card so the child sees the difference between the two words. For example, on one side of the map say it could be "smile" and on the other "little smile". You should then your child read the card and write the next day are constantly working on flash cards untilbe burned.

If a child is constantly mistaken for two particular words, parents can try a different teaching technique. You can print each word on a piece of paper and then trace the child to say each word as signs letter of the word, I've read every word. The child traces the word over and over, until it feels really knows. The child must then do the same with the word that is similar but not identical.

Finally, there are workbooks designed toStudents develop visual perception. These workbooks can be very useful if you are constantly used for ten to fifteen minutes 2-3 times a week. The workbooks are the words most often misunderstood are useful because they make the problem areas identified.

A third issue, the parents regarding their children with learning difficulties and ask how to help their children when he was a serious problem, the auditory memory diagnosed in principle for the attention,Listening and reuse.

Most children with learning disabilities and especially those who are diagnosed with ADD (Attention, Deficit Disorder) or ADHD (Attention, deficit, hyperactivity disorder), severe auditory memory have weaknesses. This weakness skill learning often greatly interferes with their ability to provide information to the record presented them orally to the school to take care of what he taught orally in the form of images in the mind of this information and remember whatthey have heard. Because often only get fragments of what is said, for them is very difficult to understand and remember what he taught orally.

Many children simply do not develop the ability to play automatically when they are young, not because they do not try to hear, but simply because they do not develop the skills involved with music. Often these children feel that they hear well, but when it is clear that they have triedand remembered very little of what is said at the trial.

Parents who have a child with auditory memory problems their children aware that he needs help to become a good listener will need, and that he overcome this weakness. This should be done in a positive way encouraging. Scolding a child, a good listener and demand that he "heard" only makes the child nervous and anxious, which badly about themselves and feel that the productionlittle or no improvement. The most important approach to use is encouraging the rehabilitation concentrated one, the fact that the child overcome his absence with combined stresses.

One way that parents are their children a better listener help to read a short paragraph for your child. no point should be read after the child was asked, are the main ideas and details of the passage of this support. If the child can not give what he has heard theThe paragraph should still be read orally to the child. Then he was asked to recite once again what he heard.

If after two attempts the child does not yet say what he felt parents should break point in the set. First, parents only read one sentence at a time, to ask the child to recite what he heard. If this is easy for him, then parents should try to read two sentences, gradually increasing the number of sentences read to the childsee, hear and remember a whole paragraph.

Parents should keep this skill with their child until the parents can read points is no longer practical and the child, the main idea and supporting details, remember. This is an excellent technique for use with the history and science and literature.

A fourth question is often linked to mathematics. Children with learning disabilities who are interested in mathematics is often a difficult timeMemorizing number facts and understanding, for example, that more than subtraction is the opposite, and the division is the opposite of multiplication. There are many things that parents can not change the basic concepts of numbers to understand their child to memorize facts and learn the key skills to help in the calculation.

For example, if a child has difficulty understanding the concept of division, parents may wish to establish a group of pretend birthday, your baby, the distribution of prizes or foodthe same way. Example: Suppose there are three people at a birthday party, and you have six cupcakes. (Parents can try to cut the paper to make the cupcakes.) Insertion of objects such as stuffed animals at the table to represent each person. Ask your child to all the cupcakes that count. Then take him to see the paper cupcakes one by one, those who receive per person if you are evenly distributed. Then say, "You are cupcakes would be shared by three people eachPerson two cupcakes. "Writing to see the reality for him. 6 ÷ 3 = 2 parents can do this exercise with each other until their child gets the concept of division. Put the facts on the issue cards with one hand and the problem with the answer on a page. Example: 6 ÷ 3 = one part and 6 ÷ 3 = 2 for the other parents for their children the facts and then go through it with the studio the day after the child has . rewards to anyone who recognizes and remembersthe next day. It 'important to continue to check the facts old add new ones. (Prizes can store it on a sticker or star chart.)

A second technique, the division helps children understand the relationship between multiplication and is to teach the child "families." The first two are "mother" and "father" and the facts of multiplication. The next two are "sister" and brother "and division facts. Three figures come together tois a family of series.

This is the number of family of 3, 2 and 6

Mother 3 x 2 = 6 (3 or 2 in the first place, but the Father is not the case)
Father 2 x 3 = 6

Sister 6 ÷ 3 = 2
Brother 6 ÷ 2 = 3

Parents can use this technique for all numbers of the family. Finally, the child will begin to understand that three numbers, which are set by the number of families, and that as soon as you remember the"Mother" of the act, who knows the others. Parents can also give advice, the child that when you multiply, the more comes to the end, while in the division, the largest number is the beginning am This technique works well for addition and subtraction, and multiplication and division.

The last question is most often by parents of children with learning difficulties including reading comprehension asked. Once a child learning disability begins to read wordsand phrases, often found it difficult to process what he reads out and reasonable. It may be that he reads very slowly, word for word, and so on reading every word that he is not concerned about the ability to focus on the message of the sentence or paragraph. This reading may be a situation where the child ends with a passage to two or three times before they grasp the meaning. This can be very frustrating for the child and the teachers and parents.

First,is for parents to work with the child to develop a good sight vocabulary, so that he does not need to explore more words in a sentence is essential. Parents can do this by making flash cards of words that their child has to explore and work with the child on a bit 'at a time, before and after their child's vocabulary begins to raise his eyes. This in turn will help him more quickly and fluently read, and therefore are more focused on what, instead of readingMechanics of reading word for word.

Secondly, parents can help their children read more fluently when, trying to read for meaning by the child to stop, after reading a sentence and ask him to tell them what he has read. concentrated and 'better not to ask some questions, but allow the child time to learn to focus on to take the main idea and supporting details, the meaning as a whole. If the child can tell their parents what to do after readingSet can, the parent had read two sentences at a time. Once you get so focused on reading two sentences at a time, parents have the child's progress on September 3 Gradually the number of sentences, which the law can be increased until they read an entire paragraph with a clear understanding be.

Much can be done for learning disabled children overcome their weaknesses and begin to learn as any other child. It takes patience, hard work, and mostespecially, the pressure on the development of learning skills and basic skills. The results are worth the effort.

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